Top Stories of 2011 in Lego

Top Stories of 2011 in Lego

The Guardian has rounded up this year’s top news in pictures but instead of using regular photos they used pictures of Legos that reenacted some of major news stories of the past 12 months. From the royal wedding to the death of Osama bin Laden, the English summer riots and the fall of Gaddafi, here is what grabbed news headline during the past year.


April 2011 - The Royal wedding


May 2011 - US president Barack Obama and his national security team were picture in a now famous photo watching the mission to kill Osama bin Laden unfold in real time


July 2011 - Rupert Murdoch's wife Wendi Deng blocked him from getting cream-pied during a hearing of a government select committee hearing on phone hacking


June 2011 - Barack Obama, appears with Angela Merkel, played down the prospect of a double-dip recession


August 2011 - rioters clash with police in London, Birmingham and Manchester, as local businesses and buildings are looted and damaged


October 2011 - fighting continues in Libya between anti-Gaddafi forces and loyalists as the rebels mount a massive attack on Gaddafi's forces in Sirte


October 2011 - tributes were paid across the web to Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, who died aged 56


March 2011 - troubled star Charlie Sheen was fired from American sitcom Two and a Half Men after he rejected requests by its broadcast network to enter rehabilitation


October 2011 - Hosts New Zealand beat France in the final of the Rugby World Cup


September 2011 - protesters camped out in Zuccotti Park as part of the Occupy Wall Street movement, sparking copycat demonstrations across the globe



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